The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults


The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults – Vignette with a social work intern and an older adult client from _The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults_. Copyright 2009 NYU Sc…


AIDS scare as thief sinks his teeth into Aldi worker

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

A lawyer for Beacham told the court her client had a 20-year history of drug abuse and at the time of the offending had relapsed into “full drug use”. The lawyer said Beacham, a qualified baker, had been working hard in recent months to get his life …
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As overdoses bring new tragedies, two Staten Island events aim to combat drug

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Staten Islanders can participate in a DEA prescription drug take-back on April 26, and attend a forum May 2 addressing the scourge of heroin and prescription drug abuse. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Two … The May 2 forum, which takes place between 1 and 4 …


New letter warns jail inmates of overdose risks after release

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

The program is hoping the warnings to drug users about the risk of overdose and possible death will not only prevent further drug use, but will also encourage users to seek help for their addictions. The letter lists different support groups and …
Read more on Dayton Daily News


Cook ordered to surrender by May 28 for prison term

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Questions about Cook's drug use have led to overturned convictions in two murder trials in which Cook was the judge between Christ's death and the time Cook was taken into custody. One of those retrials got underway Monday, for a defendant whose …
Read more on Belleville News Democrat