What Websites Are There That Help People With Marijuana Addiction?
Question by 😛: What websites are there that help people with Marijuana Addiction?
wow you guys are no help…
Best answer:
Answer by TheAcaciaStrain
theres no such thing, just dont smoke so much
Add your own answer in the comments!
Marijuana and Sleep – Health Hut – Do you think marijuana will help you catch more zzz’s? Jade clears up some misconceptions in this Health Hut. To learn more about healthier sleep habits, vis…
Young Adult Drug Rehab | Drug Rehab for Young Men
Young Adult Drug Rehab | Drug Rehab for Young Men – http://blueprintsforrecovery.com Young Adult Drug Rehab for Men – It is generally agreed that young adults who suffer from addiction have more difficulty ach…
Why Do Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs Cost So Much?
Question by destinie_cx: Why do drug and alcohol treatment programs cost so much?
These kinds of programs are so costly. Sometimes I think that they’re after the profit, and not really there because they want to help.
Best answer:
Answer by carmen da
Well, drug and alcohol treatment programs aren’t schemes to rip off people. The thing is, it takes money to build a treatment center. When you get yourself checked up by a doctor, you pay fees, right? Alcohol and drug addiction are both chronic disorders and just like diseases, you would need to get yourself treated for them. Treatment costs much because there are still medications to buy as well as people to pay for the services that they render for the patients’ betterment. Besides, a thousand dollars is nothing compared to the life of a person that treatment gets to save.
Christians ?
Question by cingular11111: Christians ?
Where we’re ya’ll in the period of my life Middle school – High school ?
I needed ya’ll then, i guess most Christians didnt/dont got to public schools.
I dont blame you.
(Im Christian now , well im striving to me able to be called that )
hmmm i guess those prepy kids were Christian didnt get much help from them though. : ( (didnt get any actually)
Best answer:
Answer by jegreencreek
Continue to strive, find a church and be supportive of others and they will also be supportive of you
Should Drug Companies Be Able to Advertise Prescription Drugs on TV?
Question by Rupert Roo: Should drug companies be able to advertise prescription drugs on TV?
This is a relatively new thing that wasn’t here 15 or so yrs ago. For some meds, like Viagra, it is a non-necessary drug. But I see a lot of blood pressure and cholesterol drugs advertised. Also they are advertising heart stents??? Those are usually placed by interventional cardiologists (highly specialized)! I agree in a free market, but I think that this advertising could be potentially hurtful to the health care system as a whole as well as specific patients individually. Please tell me what you think, or does John P. Consumer not really care about this? Also, what changed that this is a new thing now, is it just an influx of new drugs or did someone in marketing get a bright idea? Thanks.
Dude, Gardisil DOES in fact immunize against cervical cancer! The vast majority, and I don’t know if it’s 70 or 95%, but something like that is caused by these 2 strains of HPV that are covered by Gardisil. It’s a quadravalent vaccine that covers 4 strains; the 2 that cause mostly all warts and the 2 that cause mostly all cervical cancer. It’s a vaccine that DOES prevent cancer.
I forgot, that I think the only thing profit driven about Gardisil is that the vaccine costs from $ 200-400 and the cost for chemo and hosptial stay if you have cervical cancer and need an ICU bed can be enormous (more than 100k easy).
Addiction Treatment Center in Texas 888-374-4037
Addiction Treatment Center in Texas 888-374-4037 – http://www.texasaddictionnetwork.com PLEASE CALL US AT (888) 374-4037- The Texas Addiction Network hotline staff are available 7 days per week to assist you …
Forum focuses on heroin addiction in Connecticut
Filed under: drug treatment centers
Burdett's scenario also touched upon the difficulty in getting treatment before going through inpatient detox at South Central Rehabilitation Center on Cedar Street , which is run by Hill Health . It took more than 300 calls to various centers, Burdett …
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