Russell Brand – 2012-04-24 – Committee on Addiction (Complete)


Russell Brand – 2012-04-24 – Committee on Addiction (complete) – Complete video of Russell Brand speaking to the Parliamentary Committee today. Video is from the Parliament Archive at


Please Help! Where Do I Seek a Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse That Is Decent?

Question by dbelsila: Please help! Where do I seek a rehabilitation center for drug abuse that is decent?
My [foster] son in an abuser of crack cocaine. He has been “clean” for a while, but having trouble and really wants to use. I need to find a facility for him to go to to start rehab. Everything around me is like a 3 month waiting list! Anyone know how I can find help immediately? Some referral or some facility in Central Illinois. I’m willing to travel. I have looked on line and called tons of places. They have a waiting list. He is 19 with no insurance or job. Please please please help. We are desparate. I will even go to Wisconsin, Indiana, or Missouri. Please please please. We tried one facility, but it was awful. They actually were doing drugs right in the facility during the “class time”. Any suggestions for help? We have tried NA, it was a joke .. at least in my area. I don’t know how to find anything else. Any info would be helpful.

Tamara: Aboriginals and Substance Abuse


Tamara: Aboriginals and Substance Abuse – Tamara is an Aboriginal Canadian who grew up in Winnipeg. Born into a family struggling with alcoholism, Tamara was raised in a series of foster homes. As a …


Selected Proverbs: April 27—Alchohol and drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Alcohol is a drug. Technically, alcohol is a depressant rather than a stimulant. The Bible's teaching about alcohol, then, applies to modern recreational drug use. Proverbs, God's Wisdom book, discussed both the allure of alcohol and the dangers of …
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Please Help – Drugs Are Going to Kill My Best Friend?

Question by k: Please help – drugs are going to kill my best friend?
I have a friend who is severely addicted to hard drugs. The last phone call I got from her was her crying because she woke up in a bathtub full of ice cubes because she stopped breathing from a heroin overdose. This was my best friend since I was a child and she moved away in 8th grade but we still remain close after all these years. I do not know what to do, I would not be surprised if the next call I got was one informing me of her death. I am in college in PA and she lives about five hours away in VA. What can I do to help her?

Jane’s Addiction – Just Because – 96.5 the Buzz Beach Ball – Kansas City, KS – Aug 19, 2011


Jane’s Addiction – Just Because – 96.5 The Buzz Beach Ball – Kansas City, KS – Aug 19, 2011 – Jane’s Addiction performance of “Just Because” at The Buzz (96.5) Beach Ball in the Livestrong Sporting Park in Kansas City, Kansas on August 19, 2011.


Drug Rehab Centers Out West or Down South?

Question by P: Drug Rehab centers out west or down south?
I need to know of any good drug rehab centers out west or down south. Im working out a plan to send my sister to one. Shes 20 and is strung out on Oxy Cotin to the point that she shoots it in her arm. In the past my family sent her to one that was only about 20 mins away,and she was still at home and surrounded with it. i think i might have a plan that would work. i would like to send her out west and have her get clean and instead of bringing her back home to my moms house where oxy cotin is spreading like the plague i want to send her to my sister who lives in Germany to live for a few years until shes finally get a whole new look on life. at the same time my parents aren’t loaded. so cost is playing a huge role in this. there has to be places that have payment plans and such. i would appreciate some feedback. thanks