I Have a WoW Addiction Please Help Me?

Question by rolloutCal: I have a WoW addiction please help me?
My life is going out of control, I have gained 85 pounds in 2 years playing wow. I am now 335 pounds, my girlfriend has left me because I gained weight and I dont spend time with her, I’m always on the computer. It has got so bad that I got fired from my job from being caught playing WoW there. I also have be flunking out of classes in college, and now I’m in debt, and have to take 4 classes over again to even get to my sophmore year. Still I play WoW, after all these events happen I need to play more than ever! It’s the only thing that makes me feel happy now, and all these things made me depressed so it’s harder than ever to go back to not play it

Best answer:

Answer by rock maniac
Just remember its just a game and its not life. It will not change your live for the good but just make it worse. Try to get a new hobby like working out. It may seem tough but it releases hormones that make you feel better about yourself and not depressed and running releases endorphins which are chemicals that makes you feel pleasure so you won’t have play WoW anymore. And whenever you can go on a vacation or hang out with friends to get out of the house.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



addiction – WoW – World of Warcraft – short story – This is my first clip I’ve ever done.


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