I Am Looking for Resources on Addiction Therapy??

Question by irishfirefighter762: I am looking for resources on addiction therapy??
My wife is in therapy for a sleeping pill addiction and I am not happy with the progress that they are making in therapy. I wont to be able to talk intelligently with her about my concerns and possibly have some other option that would be more productive. My wife has not been evaluated with any test I am concerned that the therapist may not know how sever the addiction may be. She is a function addict with a job and every thing that everybody elts dose. It seams that the therapist is giving her unconditional positive regard and my wife seem to be feeding in to it with the theory that things are going grate in realty she had a small relapse just one month ago. I have read a little about Roger theory off and think that this might be the case here. I would like to request a Michigan drug dependency test. What is you though and advise I do not wont to change therapist because we have already done that once. Do you know of any websites that I might be able to read up on addiction therapy? The therapist now won’t to work on our marriage and I think that is totally the wrong direction because I think the addiction is what should be concentrated on. Please any advice would be great and if you have canceling experiences please let me know!!

Best answer:

Answer by redpeach_mi
your wife doesn’t need therapy, she needs a treatment center.

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