GodsBoy – Parents and Drug Abuse Amongst Kids


GodsBoy – Parents And Drug Abuse Amongst Kids – Parents play a very important role when it comes to children and teenagers falling slave to drug abuse and addiction. For more information on how to truly ov…


BREAKING NEWS – “Drug Endangered Children” Legislation in Colorado

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

The language of the bill would define a child as “drug endangered” if a parental caretaker uses or possesses any licit or illicit substance whether or not a child is actually present in the home at that moment. Furthermore, the law does not require any …
Read more on Ladybud Magazine


Probation Reports: What we can learn from the 'most important' documents in

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

A probation report from Sanchez's 2009 arrest indicates he had substance abuse and mental health issues that lead to a 63-day stay at a state mental institution. Two young people gunned down in the middle of the … Probation reports recently unsealed …
Read more on North Coast Journal