Drug/Tech Withdrawal Symptoms Similar – Study


Drug/Tech Withdrawal Symptoms Similar – Study – A new study from the International Center for Media and Public Affairs at the University of Maryland found that teens across the globe suffer withdrawal symp…


Philip Seymour Hoffman Overdose Brings Heroin Use Back into Critical Talk

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Unfortunately, those drugs include heroin and cocaine. Seattle has been fighting take homeless people off the street since 2005, and with those attempts, they seek to help the homeless (and usually by turns, drug addicts) ease into a better life. This …
Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice


'JoJo' Burhoe detained after failing drug tests

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Burhoe, who was 44 at the time of his arrest, asked to be sent to an inpatient drug treatment center for an addiction that, his lawyer said, resurfaced after he underwent surgery on his mouth and was prescribed oxycodone. He had been sober for 12 years …
Read more on Boston Globe


Prosecutor rolls out ambitious set of 'community justice' programs

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

And Athens County Prosecutor Keller Blackburn has decided it's time to attack the problem at its source. Blackburn is rolling out an ambitious set of new programs aimed at providing more access to drug treatment, keeping people away from illegal drugs …
Read more on Athens NEWS