Do You Think a Good Parent Would Abuse Drugs?

Question by kity: Do you think a good parent would Abuse Drugs?
Especially illegal drugs? Dose that make a good parent to abuse prescription and other illegal drugs?
Do you think a parent needs their kids taken from them?
Do you think other children need to be around them?

Best answer:

Answer by Emily
Yes I know someone like this.

A good parent doesn’t expose their children to things like this.

What do you think? Answer below!



Teenage Substance Abuse part 2 – John Knight, MD, is director of the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research at Boston Children’s Hospital. He has served as a consultant to the Nation…


Banner program gears learning to audience

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

The program is geared for parents and their teens, and covers various topics, such as Internet safety, bullying, STDs, abstinence, safe sex, dangers of drug addiction, body image and eating disorders, and driving safety. The program registration begins …
Read more on Glendale Star


Newberg student overdoses on cold meds

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Substance abuse expert Rod Robbins said teens turn to cold medicine for the euphoric high they can get, but too much of the medicine can cause significant liver damage. “I think it's important for parents not to assume drug use of any kind is a phase …


Editorial: Marijuana for medical reasons needs approval

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

According to an article from The Des Moines Register, Branstad "indicated a willingness to help if [the families'] proposal does not increase overall drug abuse in Iowa." The parents are asking for a liquid dosage of the currently illegal drug …
Read more on Iowa State Daily