Drug Treatment Centers Memphis

Wha Are Some Medications for Parkinson’s Disease That Mimic or Replace the Dopamine Chemicals?

Question by James Bond: Wha are some medications for Parkinson’s disease that mimic or replace the dopamine chemicals?

Best answer:

Answer by Mags
First of all I know this is long – if you want to skip the narrative and the message, scroll down to the list. Even that is long because often these treatments are interlinked.

Is It Time to Accept Socialism in America So That It Can Reset Itself?

Question by : Is it time to accept socialism in America so that it can reset itself?
Let it fail with socialism so that people can see that it won’t work. Then people will fight for their freedom, at which point it may be too late.

Best answer:

Answer by samsamskeyti
You realize the overwhelming majority of socialized nations are happier than we are?

We’d be too psyched after a decade of socialism to want to change.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois | Rehabs in Illinois | Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois


Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois | Rehabs in Illinois | Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois – http://www.rehabinillinois.com/ Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois help you get you life back. Rehabs in Illinois help people in getting detox in Illinois, recov…


FDA agrees to let patients get controversial drug

Filed under: drug treatment centers in illinois

The Food and Drug Administration has agreed to allow a handful of cancer patients to receive unapproved drugs from a controversial Texas doctor, but only if they can find another physician to administer them. … McKenzie's grandfather, Frank LaFontain …
Read more on WTSP 10 News

Data on Drug Addiction?

Question by thecheapest902: data on drug addiction?
I would like to have any data on drug addiction in the world, how many percentage of its people are addicted by country.

It’s better if there is any additional information on drug abuse among celebrities in US and other countries.

Best answer:

Answer by Anna
how many people are addicted


Add your own answer in the comments!


How Can Drug Intervention Help an Addict?

Question by darby p: How can drug intervention help an addict?
What happens in an intervention and how does this affect the addict? I’ve been hearing about this, but I don’t really know how it goes.

Best answer:

Answer by cailey n
An intervention is a process specially done to help someone who is substance dependent to realize what he is doing and help him recover from his addiction. This is done so that he could learn to accept treatment. Interventions can be done by family members along with close friends, but there are times wherein an intervention specialist is called on to facilitate the proceedings because an expert will be more adept at handling cases of substance abuse.

Drug Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation: Mikhael El Chami, MD


Drug Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation: Mikhael El Chami, MD