Drug Addiction Help

One Month Baisc Course on Drug Abuse Prevention Innaguration and Class by Fr. James Athikkalam


One Month Baisc Course on Drug Abuse Prevention Innaguration and Class by Fr. James Athikkalam – One Month Baisc Course on Drug Abuse Prevention Innaguration and Class by Fr. James Athikkalam.


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Shelbyville man at center of 2013 SWAT raid pleads guilty

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

I urge anyone who has a problem with methamphetamine or any other drugs, and who wants help with that addiction, to contact a reputable substance abuse center, and to feel free to call me at the Prosecutor's office for advice and guidance toward …
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Panel studies options for Suffolk drug treatment facilities

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

What Are the Charges for Women Giving Birth to Meth Addicted Children in Tennessee?

Question by felicity t: What are the charges for women giving birth to meth addicted children in Tennessee?
My husbands ex-wife has just had a baby and was addicted to meth. Will she lose that baby, and my husband has 2 other children with her that he has custody of she gets them every other weekend will she lose them to.

Best answer:

Answer by celine8388
If Tennessee has any sense in its laws they will take that baby away from that woman..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Links to Videos Online About Childhood Trauma Leading to Future Substance Abuse/drug Addiction?

Question by musicandhearts: Links to videos online about childhood trauma leading to future substance abuse/drug addiction?
I’m writing a research paper and my professor would like us to include some sort of media other than just articles as our sources. I am trying to find at least two powerpoint presentations or some sort of video. (or one of each, i only need two) I have searched youtube and google video and have come up with nothing that addresses childhood trauma leading to substance abuse. It can be either a power point, tv show, documentary, anything really as long as it’s not fictional. Links please!! Thanks

A Drug Addict’s Story Overcoming Substance Abuse – “Storyteller”


A Drug Addict’s Story Overcoming Substance Abuse – “Storyteller” – Testimonial by “a drug addict” and how she overcame her substance abuse challenges. From a CD by the people at “withoutreservations” on the internet, helping…


Potential New Treatment for Alcoholism: Ezogabine

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

The study results, published online in the American Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, were particularly interesting because they showed ezogabine, a potassium channel opener, worked to regulate brain activity via a new mechanism known as Kv7 … And …
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U.S. VETS Interviews, Part 3


U.S. VETS Interviews, Part 3 – Formerly homeless veterans Corey Weckman and Rob Kasheta tell us how they overcame barriers like alcohol and drug addiction to become self sufficient with th…



Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

Bus transportation is included and financial aid is available. To learn more about April Vacation Journey or to …. Funded by a grant from the Department of Public Health, CMCA, the Edge hopes to be a refreshing new perspective on the state of …
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