Tamara: Aboriginals and Substance Abuse


Tamara: Aboriginals and Substance Abuse – Tamara is an Aboriginal Canadian who grew up in Winnipeg. Born into a family struggling with alcoholism, Tamara was raised in a series of foster homes. As a …


Selected Proverbs: April 27—Alchohol and drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Alcohol is a drug. Technically, alcohol is a depressant rather than a stimulant. The Bible's teaching about alcohol, then, applies to modern recreational drug use. Proverbs, God's Wisdom book, discussed both the allure of alcohol and the dangers of …
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There are many support groups willing and able to assist in many ways

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

NARCONON ARROWHEAD: Free counseling; learn how and why a person becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol and what you can do to help; call for free booklet at 800-468-6933 or visit www.stopaddiction.com to receive free counseling, referrals, assessments …
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What Drugs Are Twitter Users Talking About Right Now?

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

While the average mentions of marijuana are increasing every day leading up to 4/20, the immense amount of weed-related discussion could coincide with recent studies about changing opinions on drug use. An April Pew Research study shows that …
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