Drugs of Abuse: Treatment and Recovery


Drugs of Abuse: Treatment and Recovery – Preview video from Reelizations Media catalog for Addiction Treatment & Behavioral Health. Reelizations.com 1-800-214-5680.


America's Heroin Epidemic: Where to Find Help

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Find alcohol and drug abuse treatment or mental health treatment facilities and programs around the country using the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator on SAMHSA's web site. The Partnership at DrugFree.org provides a toll-free helpline and …
Read more on NBCNews.com


Editorial: To fight addiction we need treatment, treatment and more treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Kathleen O'Connor Ives convened a field hearing on the issue in Methuen by the state Senate's Special Committee on Drug Abuse and Treatment Options. The head of the panel, state Sen. Jennifer Flanagan, later toured the Maris Center in Salisbury, which …
Read more on The Daily News of Newburyport


Bill would punish drug-using pregnant women

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Bill Haslam to veto a bill that would allow women to be charged with assault if they abuse narcotics while pregnant and then give birth to a child who is dependent on drugs or harmed as a result of the mother's drug abuse. The bill passed in both …
Read more on Sacramento Bee


Addiction treatment specialists say Illinois funding is too low

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

SPRINGFIELD — While lawmakers look for solutions to Illinois' heroin problem, addiction specialists say the state is not providing them with enough funding. The state's rehabilitation centers say they have had to drastically cut programming due to …
Read more on Quad City Times