Questions About Consequences of Drug Abuse?

Question by rems_ed p: questions about consequences of drug abuse?
Hi, I’m doing a research on drug addiction and here are several questions i have in mind. please take your time in answering them. thank you.

1) When drug abusers who are highly addicted to illegal substances do an immediate stop (No rehabilitation or anything, they just completely stop the habit by themselves though their body still wants it), are there any chances of death? coma? or anything that could put you to sleep for a very long time. If so, then how long?

2) What are the symptoms of high level of drug abuse?

3) What are the chances for an average person to do a complete stop?

4) What are the stages of an immediate stop? Are there any?
“e.g.: shaking, compulsion, etc.”
what are the chances of a person dying or going into deep coma?
by being taken together, do you mean together at the same time? or together as in alternately taking them one after the other?

Best answer:

Answer by liddle_angel
Drug abusers who are highly addicted, can have seizures, be physically sick,. have mental breakdowns, become angry, depressed, etc…sure there could be death, if the high usage was say combined with other drugs and you went cold turkey…High levels of drug abuse, is like when they shoot up, stay up for days, weight loss, change of personality, etc…The average person can do anything they want, I once knew a man who stopped drinking, smoking, and cocaine use, all at the same time…he got sick, depressed, cold sweats, sleepness, etc…but got over it….say mixing uppers with downers,…..pills to get you up, and pills to ‘bring you down, for instance

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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