Still Trapped and Abused?

Question by mrswatson: still trapped and abused?
I am still being abused and my husband is still using his drug use as my fault. I left for ten days recently but when I ran out of money I had to go home. There are not that many shelters here in SA TX. They are full or the one at sammshelter is full of heroin and crack addicts. That is something i do not want to be around. If I want to be then I could stay home. I don’t want someone to foot my bill and I don’t want sympathy I need guidance because I still have brain damage and don’t know what to do. My head injury was worse than I would like and peo;le take advantage of me without me realizing it until it is too late when all of my money has been talked out of me. I feel so stupid. Does any one think maybe i shold give in and be like them. I don’t want to and refuse to. I don’t have any family to guide me because they think I do the same as my husband. I would do a drug tests every day just to prove them wrong. I don’t know what to do.. Desperate maybe but Idon’twant to.

Best answer:

Answer by TAS
Maybe talk to the police, if he is into drugs then maybe you could get him busted.

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